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The cornerstone strategic focus for the Rogue Workforce Partnership is our Sector Strategies. Working in close collaboration with our regional economic development partners, we’ve identified six key industry sectors that drive our region’s economic vitality:

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Information Technology / E-Commerce
  • Healthcare (including Behavioral Health)
  • Natural Resources
  • Transportation and Logistics

Additionally we have identified the need for supporting Child Care and Early Childhood Education occupations and added this as a seventh target for in-demand occupations.

Advanced Manufacturing and IT/E-Commerce are “traded sector” industries. They predominantly sell their goods or services outside the region or state, and they are “wealth importers and multipliers.” Every job they create results in a multiplying number of local professional, service and retail jobs.

These traded sector industries, along with Healthcare industry also have entry-level jobs with above average career pathways, that can lead to good family-wage jobs, which ultimately supports the growth and economy of the Rogue Valley.